Website Analysis & Audit

There are a variety of factors that can impede a site's performance, both in terms of user experience and search engine ranking.

The success of any SEO project is dependant on a client's website to a great degree. If


Technical Issues

These are some examples of the types of technical problems that can adversely affect both user experience and website performance.

  • slow page load speed
  • page code errors
  • cross-browser rendering
  • server configuration issues

There are literally dozens of potential technical issues we look for on a client's site. Some are simple to fix while others can require a significant amount of effort. However, once they are taken care of the results are often seen nearly immediately through improved page rank and better site usage statistics.


When search engine spiders scan your site, following links and exploring pages, they are said to be crawling. If there are problems with your site that prevent pages from being crawled they won't get indexed and won't come up in searches.

At the same time, broken links and other issues can frustrate site visitors and lead to poor site performance. Some of the potential crawlability issues we examine are:

  • 404 (not found) errors
  • bad 301/302 redirects
  • broken internal or external links
  • missing images or other resource files

Duplicate Content

Many sites are penalized for duplicate text content. With so many web pages out there it's extreemly rare to find one that hasn't had at least some of its content plagerized. This is especially true if a page ranks well.

When search engines see the same text on more than one website they have to determine how to rank these pages. Normally the page which was first indexed (included in the search engine) prevails. However it's not always the case.

And if

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